Social Security Fees & Links
Social Security Fees
All fees in Social Security and SSI disability cases are set by Congress and must be approved by the Social Security Administration as part of the process when a case is won. Fees are 25% of any back benefit you receive. As of June 2009, the fee cap/maximum is $6,000. It will not be more than that for all our work through and including representing you at a hearing.

No Fee Is Paid Until You Win
In addition to the attorneys’ fee, if we win your case, we will bill you for costs of medical records and office expenses we have incurred while preparing your case. If we have sent you to a specialist for evaluation, we will ask that you pay for that at the conclusion of your case.
Keep in mind that having our expert help with your case might well result in a larger back benefit award – this would be the case if, for example, you had a prior claim that we could reopen, giving you access to more years of back benefits.
Social Security Links
Advocacy and Program Information
- NSCLC – National Senior Citizens Law Center
- CCD – Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
- Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law – Advocacy Manuals
- Medicare Rights Center
Federal Register
Social Security Links
- SSA: online services
- SSA Forms
- Social Security Handbook
- Social Security Rulings
- SSR/AR Finding Lists
- Legislative Information
- Social Security Materials – Cornell Legal Information Institute
- Social Security: my statement
Social Security Around the U.S.
- SSA San Francisco Region
- SSA Kansas City Region
- SSA Seattle Region
- SSA Atlanta Region
- SSA Chicago Region
- SSA Boston Region
- Field Office Locator
- Alabama
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Ohio
- Tennessee
- Wisconsin
Federal Courts
- United States Federal Judiciary
- Federal Rules of Evidence (L.I.I.)
- U.S. Supreme Court Opinions (L.I.I.)
- U.S. Supreme Court Rules (L.I.I.)
- FindLaw – comprehensive resource for federal and state laws and cases
- Federal Circuit Opinions
- D.C. Circuit Opinions
- First Circuit Opinions
- Second Circuit Opinions
- Third Circuit Opinions
- Fourth Circuit Opinions
- Fifth Circuit Opinions
- Sixth Circuit Opinions
- Seventh Circuit Opinions
- Eighth Circuit Opinions
- Ninth Circuit Opinions
- Tenth Circuit Opinions
- Eleventh Circuit Opinions
- THOMAS: Legislative Information from U.S. Congress
- Search Full Text of Legislation
- Search Full Text of the Congressional Record
- MARVEL (Library of Congress)
- House of Representatives
- Senate
Departments and Agencies
- Department of Agriculture
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – Formerly HCFA
- Department of Commerce
- FedWorld
- Food and Drug Administration
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Internal Revenue Service
- Department of Justice
- Department of Labor
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Pension Search Directory – DOL Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
- National Security Agency
- National Telecommunications & Information Administration
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
- SEC EDGAR Database
- Railroad Retirement Board
- Social Security Administration
- Federal Trade Commission
- US Treasury
Medical Resources
- The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy – The classic reference
- Reuters Medical News Search – free and fee services
- The American Psychological Association PsychNet and PsychCrawler (really)
- The American Psychiatric Association – Publishers of the DSM-IV
- The American Medical Association and:
- AMA Physician Select – Find information on all U.S. MDs
- JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association
- Stanford University MedWorld – Amazing access to research tools
- National Institutes of Health – and their powerful search engine
- NIH National Library of Medicine
- Centers for Disease Control
- Food and Drug Administration
- World Health Organization
- Yahoo! – Index of Internet info on Diseases and Conditions
- MedScape – Extensive! Free after registration
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
- National Employment Lawyers’ Association – Attorneys representing individual employees in cases involving employment discrimination, wrongful termination, employee benefits and other employment-related matters
- O*NET – Occupational Information Network – Dept. of Labor (eventual DOT replacement)
Other Resources
- Directory of Federal Agencies
- FirstGov – U.S. Government Web Portal
- GILS (Government Information Locator Service)
- DOE: Human Radiation Experiments
- White House
- Marketing Resources for Disability Attorneys
- Sarah Patterson Marketing Group
- For more disability news –