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Truck accident injuries increased by 3.9% in 2022, with 161k recorded injuries, most of them to people in other vehicles. Jackknifing is one of the most dangerous types of truck accidents that can occur on Ohio highways, and according to the FMCSA, there were 145 truck accident fatalities in 2023. A jackknife accident happens when the cab and trailer of a semi truck fold up into a V or L shape. This often causes the truck to spin out of control, crash into other vehicles, or roll over. Jackknife accidents are complex events with multiple potential causes and parties who can be held liable.

Causes of Jackknife Truck Accidents

There are several common causes of jackknife truck crashes on Ohio roads:

  • Brake Failure – If a truck’s brakes fail, especially the trailer brakes, it can cause the trailer to swing out and jackknife when the driver brakes. Worn brake pads or brake fluid leaks can lead to failure.
  • Speeding – Driving too fast for the road conditions is a frequent cause. Speed reduces a driver’s control and ability to stop smoothly.
  • Improper Load Distribution – An imbalanced or shifting load can cause the trailer to sway and jackknife. Loads must be centered and secured.
  • Avoidance Maneuvers – Abrupt steering movements to avoid a hazard can start a jackknife. Drivers should brake carefully instead.
  • Slick Roads – Rain, snow, and ice reduce traction and make jackknifing more likely. Drivers must slow down on slippery roads.
  • Driver Fatigue – Drowsy driving impairs reaction time and control needed to prevent jackknifing. Fatigued drivers are at high risk.

Liability for Jackknife Accidents

When a jackknife truck accident occurs, multiple parties can potentially share liability:

  • The Truck Driver – Drivers are responsible for operating rigs safely and preventing jackknifes. Violating trucking regulations or traffic laws often indicates negligence.
  • Trucking Company – If a trucking company failed to properly train or supervise the driver, or allowed an unsafe truck on the road, they may share liability.
  • Vehicle Manufacturer – If a mechanical defect caused the accident, the truck, trailer, or parts manufacturer may be liable through product liability claims.
  • Other Drivers – Other drivers on the road also have a duty of reasonable care. If their actions contributed to the truck jackknifing, they can share fault.

Work with a Truck Accident Lawyer

After a jackknife truck accident, consulting an experienced Ohio truck accident attorney from our law firm is highly recommended. We can investigate all the potential causes and liable parties. We can also handle negotiations with insurance companies and build a strong case to recover damages if a lawsuit is necessary.

With jackknife crashes often causing serious injuries, pursuing maximum compensation is critical. Life-changing injuries like traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries can be common on serious truck accidents, which is why seeking adequate compensation is essential.

Visit one of our offices today at the following addresses:

  • Westerville – 4151 Executive Pkwy, Suite 355, Westerville, OH 43081
  • Mansfield – 33 S. Lexington-Springmill Rd, Mansfield, OH 44906

Call now for a free consultation on (614) 224-4114

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