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When a sexual assault takes place, the victim’s life will change in a number of ways. There are physical repercussions to manage, but also deep psychological trauma lines that take years and years to heal. Can you claim compensation? We have heard this question many times, and the answer is often ‘yes’ if you go through the right channels. We are here to help.

The Top Thing to Know

While it is possible, the top thing to understand is that the compensation fund for sexual assault victims comes primarily from the state. While the offender will pay money into this, this is a dedicated pot of financial help designed to support survivors. The average maximum amount that you are able to claim is up to $25,000, though this does vary between the states. This route is called the Victim Compensation Fund. Money from this pot is awarded post insurance claim, so this is the first step to take and our team can walk you through it.

How Do You Apply?

You can apply if you have suffered any kind of personal injury, mental impact, or setback to your daily life. The criteria will demand that the victim has reported the assault as a crime to the official law enforcement department and that they have completely cooperated throughout the investigation.

What Kind of Factors Are Considered?

There are lots of things that the claim team will observe, and having legal representation will certainly make things more straightforward. Here is an overview of what you can claim compensation for.

The Impact on Your Mental Health

It is common for people who go through an assault related event to suffer from mental health problems after the fact. This might be PTSD or depression, and everything is relevant to your claim.

The Personal Injury Factor

Owing to the nature of this type of crime, there is often a personal injury element to think about too. Whether this is a catastrophic one or something less severe, if you were hurt in any way, then this is relevant and should be represented.

Loss of Wages and Other Financial Considerations

If your financial situation has been impacted as a direct result of the attack, either for the reasons above or something else that prohibited you from going to work, this will also be a big point of discussion.

So, the answer is clear. Yes, you can claim compensation for trauma after a sexual assault. This is one of the most traumatic events a person can go through, and the aftermath takes a whole load of navigating. It is important to know that you are not alone, and there are paths forward and we are here to help.

Pencheff & Fraley understand the complex nuances of a sexual assault case. Get in touch today to discuss what the next steps are so that you can begin your true healing journey.

Find our offices at the addresses below.

  • Westerville – 4151 Executive Pkwy, Suite 355, Westerville, OH 43081
  • Mansfield – 33 S. Lexington-Springmill Rd, Mansfield, OH 44906

Call now for a free consultation on (614) 224-4114.

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